Log your Political Activities
(estimate time frame month/quarter and hours)
Send to:
[email protected]
What counts as Political Activities (volunteer or paid but not primary job)?
- Attending any meeting in person or web based for education or exchange of information that is political in nature or support the Republican Philosophy.
- Working as or training to become an Election Judge, Clerk Poll watcher, door knocker, phone bank calling, etc.
- Working as an elected official who receive a stipend salary can be counted including Texas State Senators and Representatives, some city council and school board member hours including meetings with community.
- Attending at club meetings, general meetings, board, committee meetings.
- Working on campaigns, including all work for mailings, preparing signs, telephoning, door knocking, poll greeting performed at any location, home, campaign headquarters, GOP offices, polling locations. Include any travel time.
- Event planning, organizing, and cleanup (volunteering or paid)
- Attending or serving on Texas Federation board meetings, events, conventions, training, includes event preparation and travel time.
- Activities supporting work as a precinct chair or assisting your precinct chair
- Activities including travel time to and from Republican Party events, including County Executive meetings, SREC meetings, Precinct conventions, County/SD Conventions, State convention, National Convention.
- Working, preparing for local, county and state Party Committees work, local or state.
- Volunteering at TFRW headquarters or local GOP headquarters
- Working on any committees at local, county or state level including travel, preparations, planning associated activities.
- Campaigning work for any Political candidates at local, county and state candidates including “known” Republican - city and school board elections (non-partisan elections)
- Working on or for SREC work, including time spent creating reports, committee work, quarterly meetings, updating local CEC and clubs.
- Voter registration work, include time and travel to become certified, and drop off forms; Set up and work on Voter registration drive booth/events, include clean up.