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Standing Rules

Revised November 20, 2024

  1. A person may attend any number of meetings as a guest.
  2. Upon becoming a member, dues are payable in full. New members will receive a copy of the directory and a monthly newsletter.
  3. Two very important functions of this organization are fundraising and volunteering time to various partisan activities. All members are expected to participate in such activities. Sharing our time, talents, and resources is the most valuable contribution we can make to the Republican Party.
  4. Primary members and Associate husbands of Primary members are to keep a record of volunteer time and report to the Campaign Activities Chair monthly or quarterly as follows on: March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.
  5. In the event of the death of a member or in a member's immediate family, flowers may be sent or a donation made to an appropriate charity, total not to exceed $50. The Treasurer shall notify the TFRW of the member's demise.
  6. The Treasurer shall bill everyone who makes a meal reservation, but does not attend.
  7. NWARW shall pay for one Program Speaker's meal and one Caring For America Representative's meal.
  8. Each year the newly elected President shall call a joint meeting of the out-going and in-coming Executive Committee during December in order to preserve continuity and transition.
  9. The out-going President and Newsletter Editor are responsible for the January newsletter. The out-going 2nd VP Programs is responsible for the January program.
  10. NWARW shall pay for a TFRW President's Pin to be presented to the newly elected President when she takes office.
  11. The NWARW Directory shall be distributed to the membership for personal use only and not for business or commercial use. Requests for copies from other individuals will be granted only by authorization of the Executive Committee, and a charge may be levied for cost, as well as for replacements.
  12. The registration fee may be reimbursed for the Delegate and Alternate who attend the Biennial NFRW Convention.
  13. This Organization may select up to two of its members to be honored at the TFRW Tribute to Women. These women will be selected by the Primary members of the general membership. These are women who have made the greatest contributions to the Club over the last two years which is determined through their holding of office, volunteer efforts, overall leadership, and participation in Club activities.
  14. NWARW will provide complimentary Associate Membership to the current Regional Deputy President and District Director who oversee our club.
  15. In memory of long-time active member Chris Sale, the club will make a $50 contribution to a Republican political candidate or office holder's campaign fund each year to be determined by the Executive Committee.
  16. These Standing Rules may be altered by the Executive Committee. Members may suggest changes for consideration by the Executive Committee at any time.
  17. The use of any recording equipment—audio or video, as well as live streaming—shall be prohibited during business meetings, with the exception of the Recording Secretary, who shall be allowed to record the proceedings of the business meetings. Recording of the program is permitted with the prior permission of the club President and the program presenter.
  18. Dues are as follows: $30 for Primary members; $85 for President's Circle (includes Primary membership); $30 for Associates (Associates may join President's Circle for an additional $55).